What a Forester Can Do For You

Timber Sales
Since it takes a forest 30-75 years to reach market maturity, forest management and planning is a slow and tedious process that requires technical assistance in order to reach the desired objectives. Most individuals harvest timber on their property once in a lifetime. It would be a shame to have that once in a life time opportunity be a regretful learning experience. That is why Evergreen Forest Management exists. We are here to make sure our clients’ interests are protected and goals achieved. One of those goals is receiving optimum prices for standing timber. In the past we have obatined as much as 75% more for our clients timber than they were offered and willing to take.
Government Funding
There are numerous state and federal programs in place to financially assist private landowners with managing their forest. Because of the various circumstances and goals that exist with individual landowners, Evergreen Forest Management treats each client as a individual. We find the right government funding to meet the clients unique management needs and process all the proper applications on their behalf. The average landowner is totally unaware of all the funds available to them as a private forest land owner.